Guaranteed Approval!
If you make $2,000 a month and have been at your current job at least 6 months you can drive home today!
Bankruptcy? No Problem!
Repossession? No Problem!
Bad Credit/No Credit? No Problem!
Medical Bills? No Problem!
With the right down payment we have a used car loan for you, no matter your credit history!
All pre-approval is subject to verification of all information provided.
If you are inquiring about a down payment you must fill out our application.
We cannot determine a down payment without application.
Applicants who do not make $2,000 a month, will be considered but not necessarily approved without a co-signer or at all.
Submit an application online (or in store) and bring us the following requirements:
Two Recent Pay Stubs
Utility Bill
Driver’s License
Proof of Insurance
Down Payment